Four lessons that Autumn teaches us

November 25, 2022

Autumn is a beautiful season that marks the transition to winter. Green tree leaves turn into beautiful hues of gold, red, and orange, and start falling. This change is not just beautiful, it has lessons for us.

Nurture relationships

Even though the season looks beautiful, I feel sad walking over fallen leaves. Till yesterday, they were part of trees, and now they are on the ground being walked over.  This drew my attention towards human relationships. We may not realize but some of our relationships and friendships could be falling apart. There may be some cracks that we can still repair before we lose them permanently. Nature seems to tell us the importance of nurturing relationships. This calls for keeping the communication alive, forgiving, and letting go of the hard feelings that we may have for someone.

Change is an opportunity to discover our unknown potential

Leaves are in constant change throughout their life cycle. The green color we observe in leaves is due to chlorophyll. When fall arrives, the chlorophyll breaks down and the other color-creating pigments have an opportunity to reveal themselves, showing all the beautiful colors we see in Autumn. This way nature gives us a profound message. Change is an opportunity to bring our unknown and hidden potential to the forefront.

Take note of beauty around us

Autumn draws attention towards the beauty of nature. We are often too busy in life chasing our life goals. In a mad rush to work, to meetings, to meet deadlines, we fail to notice the beautiful things around us. The lesson is clear. No matter how busy we are, we need to take a moment to appreciate beautiful things around you. Remember, they won’t last for ever.

Difficult times come and go 

Autumn is the time of transition. Days get shorter and we move towards the darkness of winter. But Spring will come soon. Likewise, Life takes its own course of ups and downs, and goes on. Difficult times come and go. We may be saddened by a recent loss, or any other setback, but this will pass too. We will spring back to life and bloom again.